pub mod validation;
use serde::Serialize;
use std::fmt;
use user_facing_error_macros::*;
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Clone)]
pub enum DatabaseConstraint {
impl fmt::Display for DatabaseConstraint {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
Self::Fields(fields) => {
let quoted_fields: Vec<String> = fields.iter().map(|f| format!("`{f}`")).collect();
write!(f, "fields: ({})", quoted_fields.join(","))
Self::Index(index) => write!(f, "constraint: `{index}`"),
Self::ForeignKey => write!(f, "foreign key"),
Self::CannotParse => write!(f, "(not available)"),
impl From<Vec<String>> for DatabaseConstraint {
fn from(fields: Vec<String>) -> Self {
#[derive(Debug, UserFacingError, Serialize)]
code = "P2000",
message = "The provided value for the column is too long for the column's type. Column: {column_name}"
pub struct InputValueTooLong {
pub column_name: String,
#[derive(Debug, UserFacingError, Serialize)]
code = "P2001",
message = "The record searched for in the where condition (`{model_name}.{argument_name} = {argument_value}`) does not exist"
pub struct RecordNotFound {
pub model_name: String,
pub argument_name: String,
pub argument_value: String,
#[derive(Debug, UserFacingError, Serialize)]
#[user_facing(code = "P2002", message = "Unique constraint failed on the {constraint}")]
pub struct UniqueKeyViolation {
#[serde(rename = "target")]
pub constraint: DatabaseConstraint,
#[derive(Debug, UserFacingError, Serialize)]
code = "P2003",
message = "Foreign key constraint failed on the field: `{field_name}`"
pub struct ForeignKeyViolation {
pub field_name: String,
#[derive(Debug, UserFacingError, Serialize)]
#[user_facing(code = "P2004", message = "A constraint failed on the database: `{database_error}`")]
pub struct ConstraintViolation {
pub database_error: String,
#[derive(Debug, UserFacingError, Serialize)]
code = "P2005",
message = "The value `{field_value}` stored in the database for the field `{field_name}` is invalid for the field's type"
pub struct StoredValueIsInvalid {
pub field_value: String,
pub field_name: String,
#[derive(Debug, UserFacingError, Serialize)]
code = "P2006",
message = "The provided value `{field_value}` for `{model_name}` field `{field_name}` is not valid"
pub struct TypeMismatch {
pub field_value: String,
pub model_name: String,
pub field_name: String,
#[derive(Debug, UserFacingError, Serialize)]
#[user_facing(code = "P2007", message = "Data validation error `{database_error}`")]
pub struct TypeMismatchInvalidCustomType {
pub database_error: String,
#[derive(Debug, UserFacingError, Serialize)]
code = "P2008",
message = "Failed to parse the query `{query_parsing_error}` at `{query_position}`"
pub struct QueryParsingFailed {
pub query_parsing_error: String,
pub query_position: String,
#[derive(Debug, UserFacingError, Serialize)]
#[user_facing(code = "P2010", message = "Raw query failed. Code: `{code}`. Message: `{message}`")]
pub struct RawQueryFailed {
pub code: String,
pub message: String,
#[derive(Debug, UserFacingError, Serialize)]
#[user_facing(code = "P2011", message = "Null constraint violation on the {constraint}")]
pub struct NullConstraintViolation {
pub constraint: DatabaseConstraint,
#[derive(Debug, UserFacingError, Serialize)]
code = "P2013",
message = "Missing the required argument `{argument_name}` for field `{field_name}` on `{object_name}`."
pub struct MissingRequiredArgument {
pub argument_name: String,
pub field_name: String,
pub object_name: String,
#[derive(Debug, UserFacingError, Serialize)]
code = "P2014",
message = "The change you are trying to make would violate the required relation '{relation_name}' between the `{model_a_name}` and `{model_b_name}` models."
pub struct RelationViolation {
pub relation_name: String,
pub model_a_name: String,
pub model_b_name: String,
#[derive(Debug, UserFacingError, Serialize)]
#[user_facing(code = "P2015", message = "A related record could not be found. {details}")]
pub struct RelatedRecordNotFound {
pub details: String,
#[derive(Debug, UserFacingError, Serialize)]
#[user_facing(code = "P2016", message = "Query interpretation error. {details}")]
pub struct InterpretationError {
pub details: String,
#[derive(Debug, UserFacingError, Serialize)]
code = "P2017",
message = "The records for relation `{relation_name}` between the `{parent_name}` and `{child_name}` models are not connected."
pub struct RecordsNotConnected {
pub relation_name: String,
pub parent_name: String,
pub child_name: String,
#[derive(Debug, UserFacingError, Serialize)]
#[user_facing(code = "P2018", message = "The required connected records were not found. {details}")]
pub struct ConnectedRecordsNotFound {
pub details: String,
#[derive(Debug, UserFacingError, Serialize)]
#[user_facing(code = "P2019", message = "Input error. {details}")]
pub struct InputError {
pub details: String,
#[derive(Debug, UserFacingError, Serialize)]
#[user_facing(code = "P2020", message = "Value out of range for the type. {details}")]
pub struct ValueOutOfRange {
pub details: String,
#[derive(Debug, UserFacingError, Serialize)]
code = "P2021",
message = "The table `{table}` does not exist in the current database."
pub struct TableDoesNotExist {
pub table: String,
#[derive(Debug, UserFacingError, Serialize)]
code = "P2022",
message = "The column `{column}` does not exist in the current database."
pub struct ColumnDoesNotExist {
pub column: String,
#[derive(Debug, UserFacingError, Serialize)]
#[user_facing(code = "P2023", message = "Inconsistent column data: {message}")]
pub struct InconsistentColumnData {
pub message: String,
#[derive(Debug, UserFacingError, Serialize)]
code = "P2024",
message = "Timed out fetching a new connection from the connection pool. More info: (Current connection pool timeout: {timeout}, connection limit: {connection_limit})"
pub struct PoolTimeout {
pub connection_limit: u64,
pub timeout: u64,
#[derive(Debug, UserFacingError, Serialize)]
code = "P2025",
message = "An operation failed because it depends on one or more records that were required but not found. {cause}"
pub struct RecordRequiredButNotFound {
pub cause: String,
#[derive(Debug, UserFacingError, Serialize)]
code = "P2026",
message = "The current database provider doesn't support a feature that the query used: {feature}"
pub struct UnsupportedFeature {
pub feature: String,
#[derive(Debug, UserFacingError, Serialize)]
code = "P2027",
message = "Multiple errors occurred on the database during query execution: {errors}"
pub struct MultiError {
pub errors: String, }
#[derive(Debug, UserFacingError, Serialize)]
#[user_facing(code = "P2028", message = "Transaction API error: {error}")]
pub struct InteractiveTransactionError {
pub error: String,
#[derive(Debug, UserFacingError, Serialize)]
#[user_facing(code = "P2029", message = "Query parameter limit exceeded error: {message}.")]
pub struct QueryParameterLimitExceeded {
pub message: String,
#[derive(Debug, UserFacingError, Serialize)]
code = "P2030",
message = "Cannot find a fulltext index to use for the search, try adding a @@fulltext([Fields...]) to your schema"
pub struct MissingFullTextSearchIndex {}
#[derive(Debug, UserFacingError, Serialize)]
code = "P2031",
message = "Prisma needs to perform transactions, which requires your MongoDB server to be run as a replica set."
pub struct MongoReplicaSetRequired {}
#[derive(Debug, UserFacingError, Serialize)]
code = "P2032",
message = "Error converting field \"{field}\" of expected non-nullable type \"{expected_type}\", found incompatible value of \"{found}\"."
pub struct MissingFieldsInModel {
pub field: String,
pub expected_type: String,
pub found: String,
#[derive(Debug, UserFacingError, Serialize)]
#[user_facing(code = "P2033", message = "{details}")]
pub struct ValueFitError {
pub details: String,
#[derive(Debug, UserFacingError, Serialize)]
code = "P2034",
message = "Transaction failed due to a write conflict or a deadlock. Please retry your transaction"
pub struct TransactionWriteConflict {}
#[derive(Debug, UserFacingError, Serialize)]
#[user_facing(code = "P2035", message = "Assertion violation on the database: `{database_error}`")]
pub struct DatabaseAssertionViolation {
pub database_error: String,
#[derive(Debug, UserFacingError, Serialize)]
#[user_facing(code = "P2036", message = "Error in external connector (id {id})")]
pub struct ExternalError {
pub id: i32,