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//! The Prisma Schema AST.
#![deny(rust_2018_idioms, unsafe_code)]
pub use self::{parser::parse_schema, reformat::reformat, source_file::SourceFile};
/// The AST data structure. It aims to faithfully represent the syntax of a Prisma Schema, with
/// source span information.
pub mod ast;
mod parser;
mod reformat;
mod renderer;
mod source_file;
/// Transform the input string into a valid (quoted and escaped) PSL string literal.
/// PSL string literals have the exact same grammar as [JSON string
/// literals](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc8259#section-7).
/// ```
/// # use schema_ast::string_literal;
///let input = r#"oh
///assert_eq!(r#""oh\nhi""#, &string_literal(input).to_string());
/// ```
pub fn string_literal(s: &str) -> impl std::fmt::Display + '_ {
struct StringLiteral<'a>(&'a str);
impl std::fmt::Display for StringLiteral<'_> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
for c in self.0.char_indices() {
match c {
(_, '\t') => f.write_str("\\t")?,
(_, '\n') => f.write_str("\\n")?,
(_, '"') => f.write_str("\\\"")?,
(_, '\r') => f.write_str("\\r")?,
(_, '\\') => f.write_str("\\\\")?,
// Control characters
(_, c) if c.is_ascii_control() => {
let mut b = [0];
c.encode_utf8(&mut b);
f.write_fmt(format_args!("\\u{:04x}", b[0]))?;
(start, other) => f.write_str(&self.0[start..(start + other.len_utf8())])?,